Türkiye ile tamamen zıt giden havaları nedeniyle güzel bir gününü yakalayıp trene atlayarak Londra'ya gitmek kolay değil. Ancak bu kez, önceki gidişlerimde vakit bulamadığım neresi varsa rotasını çizdim, önüme koydum. Bu kez St Paul's ve civarını gezmeye kararlıydım.
It is not so easy to specify an early date to reserve train tickets and travel to London, due to the continuously changing weather. However I specified a route to visit all the places which I couldn't in my previous visits. St Paul's Cathedral was to be my first stop.
It is not so easy to specify an early date to reserve train tickets and travel to London, due to the continuously changing weather. However I specified a route to visit all the places which I couldn't in my previous visits. St Paul's Cathedral was to be my first stop.
Girişini bulmak biraz zor oldu ama sonunda buldum. Müthiş kalabalık, giriş ücretli. /
It was a little bit hard to find the entrance, but finally managed it. It was very crowded, and you have to pay for entrance.
It was a little bit hard to find the entrance, but finally managed it. It was very crowded, and you have to pay for entrance.
Fısıltılar Galerisi. Buraya tırmanmak için 259 basamak çıkmanız gerekiyor. Hâlâ hayattaysanız muhteşem tavanı görebilirsiniz. /
Whispering Gallery. You have to climb 259 steps to reach here. If you are still alive, it is worth seeing the amazing ceiling around you.
Whispering Gallery. You have to climb 259 steps to reach here. If you are still alive, it is worth seeing the amazing ceiling around you.
Daha dar bir 119 basamak daha çıkarsanız katedralin en tepesine varıyorsunuz. Bunda müzeye girişte ödediğiniz paranın müthiş bir payı var. Thames Nehri, Milenyum Köprüsü ve deli bir rüzgâr. Çıkış değil, fakat iniş ölümcül. /
After climbing some narrower 119 steps, you reach the top terrace of the cathedral. The amount you pay at the entrance helps you a lot in this mission! River Thames and Millennium Bridge and a crazy wind! Not the climbing, but getting down to ground floor killed me.
After climbing some narrower 119 steps, you reach the top terrace of the cathedral. The amount you pay at the entrance helps you a lot in this mission! River Thames and Millennium Bridge and a crazy wind! Not the climbing, but getting down to ground floor killed me.
Thames üzerinde Milenyum Köprüsü. /
Millennium Bridge on River Thames.
Milenyum Köprüsü. Güzel, güneşli bir gün. /
Millennium Bridge. Nice, sunny day.
Millennium Bridge. Nice, sunny day.
Karşı kıyıya ulaştıktan sonra. Köprünün bitiminde St Paul's, diğer ayağında Tate Modern. /
After reaching the opposite side. the bridge has its one side in front of St Paul's, the other side Tate Modern.
After reaching the opposite side. the bridge has its one side in front of St Paul's, the other side Tate Modern.
Azıcık Kandinsky! Modern sanata hiç ilgim olmadığını sanırdım, ama sadece 2 katını gezdiğim 6 katlı Tate Modern'den 2 saat çıkamadım! /
A little Kandinsky! I thought I had no interest in modern art, but I couldn't leave the 6-floor Tate Modern in 2 hours only by seeing the collections in 2 floors!
A little Kandinsky! I thought I had no interest in modern art, but I couldn't leave the 6-floor Tate Modern in 2 hours only by seeing the collections in 2 floors!
Bir müze galerisindeki sanat çalışmalarından da bir sanat çalışması yaratmak mümkündür. /
It is possible to create an art work by using artworks in a gallery too.
It is possible to create an art work by using artworks in a gallery too.
Çok anlamlı. / Meaningful for the people in Turkey these days.
Thames nehrini takip ederek ilerliyoruz. İlk hedef Southwark köprüsü ve diğer köprüler! /
Walking by the River Thames. The next stop is southwark Bridge and the other bridges!
Walking by the River Thames. The next stop is southwark Bridge and the other bridges!
Londra ortasında var bir gemi. /
A ship in the middle of London.
A ship in the middle of London.
Uzun bir yürüşün ardından, Londra Köprüsü'nü de geçerek tekrar karşıya geçtim. Güneş batarken Londra Kulesi'ne ulaşmak. Burası Londra krallarının eşlerinin zindana atıldığı, boyunlarının vurulduğu hapishane. Ayrıca kraliyet mücevherleri de burada sergileniyor. /
After a very long walk, passed over the London Bridge and reached the Tower of London towards sunset. Here is probably the most popular prison in the world, where the queens had lost their heads. Also the royal jewelries are exhibited here.
After a very long walk, passed over the London Bridge and reached the Tower of London towards sunset. Here is probably the most popular prison in the world, where the queens had lost their heads. Also the royal jewelries are exhibited here.
Londra Kule köprüsü. Sonunda, kartpostallar üzerinde değil, kendi gözlerimle! /
Tower Bridge of London. Finally, not on postcards, but with my own eyes!
Tower Bridge of London. Finally, not on postcards, but with my own eyes!
Trinity Square Gardens.
Elimi kolumu hediyelik eşya ile doldurduktan sonra hemencecik metroya atladım ve tren istasyonuna doğru yola çıktım. Bir Londra gezisi de böylece sona erdi. /
After filling all my hands and arms with gifts, jumped to tube and went to Waterloo. Another trip to London came to an end.
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